Conditional Legacy

This form of bequest allows you to maintain the provisions you already established in your will or living trust.

Your friends and family can continue to receive or benefit from any gifts you set out in your will; however, if circumstances change, either before or after you pass away, and the people you name in your will are unable to accept or receive your gifts (perhaps they have passed away before you), then only under this type of condition of being unable to accept or receive your gifts, will Pillars Trust Fund receive a gift from your estate.

Notary's public pen and stamp on testament and last will. Notary public tools
or to Pillars Trust Fund (1)

You can set up the conditions and the type of gift Pillars Trust would receive in these circumstances.  If you already have a will, contact your notary to help you add a condition for Pillars Trust Fund.  If you need help setting up a will and need to find a notary, you may use the Chambre des notaires du Québec website ( or call 1-800-notaire, to make your wishes known.  At any time, you can contact us for further information ( or 514-937-2301 ext. 255).

Pillars Trust Fund is a non-profit organization.  Pillars Trust Fund cannot and is not providing any financial or legal advice.  You must seek your own independent financial and legal advice.  Pillars Trust Fund encourages you to speak with your family, notary, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant and any other person or professional to help you choose the appropriate planned giving option for your circumstances.  If you do not have a financial advisor, your bank could help you find one.  If you do not have a notary, you can find help locating one near you through the Chambre des notaires du Québec ( or calling 1-800-notaire.  If Pillars Trust Fund can be of any other help or you would like to discuss this with us further, please contact us at